Held for 2 Days, UIKA Bogor Postgraduate School Officially Closes the 2024 Work Meeting

Bogor, November 19, 2024 The Postgraduate School of Ibn Khaldun University (UIKA) Bogor held a 2nd session working meeting with an agenda of discussion regarding the development of academic fields, innovation, student affairs, as well as resources, cooperation and da’wah.
Also an important part of the 2nd session work meeting was the presentation and evaluation of the performance of the UPT journal unit, quality assurance group, laboratory, and library.

The activity was opened by Prof. Dr. KH. Didin Hafidhuddin, M.S., as Director of the Postgraduate School, and H. Hendri Tanjung, Ph.D., as Deputy Director I for Academic Affairs, Innovation, and Student Affairs.
Prof. Dr. KH. Didin Hafidhuddin, M.S., said that he was optimistic that in the next two years the UIKA Bogor Postgraduate School would achieve rapid progress and specifically invited all parties within the UIKA Bogor Postgraduate School to continue to innovate in their respective units in order to provide the best.
As for the work meeting this time, H. Hendri Tanjung, Ph.D., gave a presentation related to research, publication, and teaching.
From the research and publication side, it is presented regarding the development of journals within the UIKA Postgraduate Program, increasing the accreditation of 7 journals, training to increase the publication of scientific papers of lecturers, both SINTA and Scopus, book chapter collaboration with grant teams, writing lecturer monographs, call papers, and national seminars.
While from the teaching side, points include strengthening the study program curriculum, realizing the fast track program, providing ISO guides as library collections, and plans to maximize the function of the computer lab for student practicum learning.
On the same occasion, Dr. H. Ibdalsyah, M.A., as Deputy Director II for Resources, Cooperation, and Da’wah, explained several policies for teaching staff and study programs and plans to procure several facilities to support the operations and services of the UIKA Bogor Postgraduate School.