Judicium of Master of Management of UIKA Bogor Postgraduate School 2024

Master of Management at the Graduate School of Ibn Khaldun University (UIKA) Bogor, today Wednesday (11/12) held a Yudisium for T.A. Odd 2024/2025.
In his remarks, the Director of the UIKA Bogor Postgraduate School, Prof. Dr. KH. Didin Hafidhuddin, M.S., congratulated all graduates. He also advised that graduates can apply the knowledge they have gained to make a positive contribution to society and the nation. (-red).
Chairperson of the Master of Management Study Program, Prof. Dr. Hj Indupurnahayu, M.M. Ak., CA, added that the UIKA Bogor Management study program has produced graduates who not only have strong academic competence but also have high integrity and ethics.
It is also worthy of gratitude for these 2024 graduates because the UIKA Bogor Management Study Program has received an excellent rating.
A series of events went well, from remarks by the Director of the UIKA Bogor Postgraduate School and the Head of the Master of Management Study Program, as well as calling graduates conducted by the secretary of the Master of Management Study Program, Dr. Bramastyo bontas Prastowo, S.Sos., M.E.
The names of the graduates who will attend the graduation ceremony on December 12, 2024 and are entitled to hold the title of Master of Management (M.M.) include Mochamad Abdi Baha, Saepul Rizal, Akbar Rosseh, Benawa, Ali Firdaus Abdul Kadir, Ety Yuliati, Yunita Dwi Cahya Intani, Ana Dwi Yanti, Imam Supriyadi, Shoffan Nizhomi, and Arif Rahman Saleh.

This activity was attended by the Director of the UIKA Bogor Postgraduate School and also attended by the Vice Rector for Resource Management, Prof. Dr. Renea Shinta Aminda, M.M., who is also a representative of the Master of Management Lecturer.
The UIKA Bogor Management Study Program has four concentrations, namely Human Resources, Financial Management, Marketing Management, and Hospital Management. This provides flexibility for students to choose a field that suits their interests and talents.
It is hoped that graduates of the UIKA Bogor Master of Management can become agents of change and contribute to nation-building. With the knowledge and skills they have, they are expected to be able to answer increasingly complex global challenges.