UIKA Bogor Postgraduate School Warmly Welcomes Universiti Muhammadiyah Malaysia (UMAM) Delegation

Bogor, December 20, 2024: The Postgraduate School of Ibn Khaldun University (UIKA) Bogor warmly received a delegation visit from Universiti Muhammadiyah Malaysia (UMAM) in order to strengthen academic relations and international collaboration.

The meeting, which took place in the Multipurpose Room of the UIKA Bogor Postgraduate School, was attended by Dr. Hambari, M.A., as Vice Rector for Student Affairs & Da’wah, and Dr. H. Ibdalsyah, M.A., as Deputy Director II for Resources, Cooperation, and Da’wah.

UMAM leaders and lecturer representatives from both institutions also attended this meeting. The discussion covered opportunities for cooperation in education, research, and other fields.

The UMAM delegation also expressed admiration for the academic atmosphere at SPs-UIKA Bogor. They are optimistic that this cooperation will pave the way for a wider exchange of knowledge, especially in issues relevant to the development of Islamic education at the global level.

Hopefully the friendship between the two parties can continue to be established in order to provide the best for the people. Aamiin Allahuma Aamiin

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