Hold the thesis session, UIKA Bogor Postgraduate School Islamic Education Master Program Graduates Three Students

Alhamdulillah, on November 26, 2024, the thesis session of the Master of Islamic Education Program at UIKA Bogor was held for three students from the regular class.
The session presented a team of examiners, namely Dr. H. Abas Mansur Tamam, Lc, M.A., Dr. Santi Lisnawati, M.Pd.I., and Dr. H. Ahmad, S.Sos.I., M.M. The participants tested were Irfan Maulana, Andri Noerzaelani and Anggita Sari.

To the examinees who have passed, we congratulate them and hope that the knowledge they carry can be useful for the world of education and the benefit of the people.
Aamiin Allahuma Aamiin